Friday, June 09, 2006

RevGalPals Friday Five

1. Favorite way to spend a rainy day
Knitting on a new project and/or reading a good book.
2. Favorite song about rain
Laughter in the Rain (What can I say, I'm old.)
3. Favorite movie featuring rain
I can’t think of any except “Singing in the Rain” and I don’t know that I’ve ever watched that one all the way through. Wait! Does "The Wizard of Oz" count? Isn't there a rainstorm before the tornado?
4. Favorite piece of raingear, past or present
Felted wool hat
5. Favorite word for rain
Sprinkle, mist, toad strangler(!?!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Toad strangler?!?!!
I can honestly say I've never heard of that!
A felted hat sounds like a wise thing to have at the moment, at least where I am.
Thanks for playing, Kim!